優 生 生 技 集 團
BIOMODULE 優生生技模組代工服務


生 物 変 換 モ ジ ュ ー ル
BTM BioTransformation Module
生 物 轉 換 模 組

關 於 經 驗 /
Yushen Biotech is the company which can provide the worldwide high-end innovation original food/ingredient development, and manufacture the one of the kind health supplement product.

關 於 能 力 /
週期生產量 & 排程時間
Yushen Bio uses the highest standard process. We customized clients’ formula/dosage, plans strictly method of optimization, aseptic liquid filling, probiotics fermentation and embedding technology etc. increases the efficiency of the worldwide OEM/ODM services.

關於一站式 /
YushenBio is a company which combine both the innovation on the original materials/ingredients up to the final product production. From cultivating the herbal plants to the testing lab, focus on High-expansion and low-temperature vacuum concentration extraction technology, Separation/Purification technology for natural products, and Analyze/Develop the pharmacological activity for anti-cancer natural material. We have always follow the highest R&D and production stander for everything; this is the only way we can provide our global clients what we called truly “One-Stop-Service.”

關 於 認 證 /
通過HACCP及ISO 22000認證.
委託研究開發HALAL FOOD(清真食品)獨立生產線.
Certified by HACCP and ISO 22000.
Independent production line for HALAL FOOD.

關於品質控管 /
優生生技的高端先進標準化製程,提供PRD主動式自有研發(Positive R&D),現有客戶ODM比例高達八成,產品力與研發力領先業界近四倍之多,提供效率一流的優質嚴謹服務!
Yushen Bio uses the highest standard process provide with the Positive R&D, it helps us to reach the ODM clients up to 80%, and the product develop/R&D abilities are 4 times ahead of others in the industry.

關 於 測 試 /
Biotransformation is the process whereby a substance is changed from one chemical to another by a chemical reaction within the body. we are expect to improve the functional properties and flavor characteristics and develop new functional product and increase the utilization of material. Natural product special aqueous phase extraction technology based on advanced separation techniques. High efficiency extraction, separation, and purification engineering technologies for Chinese herbal medicine development will be developed. Then a process for manufacturing the composition of scientific Chinese herbal medicines for treatment of diseases will be developed.

關 於 規 格 /
TAF 3414 高階實驗室
在台灣,TAF認證申請難度為目前所有ISO系統難度最高的。延續集團嚴謹經營之理念、態度,於2017年取得TAF國際食品藥物分析實驗室(TAF3414),將多年來深耕的專業預防醫學及抗癌相關研究,堅持以最高端法規標準進行植物新藥研發。Anti-Cancer We Make it Work!
In order to keep up this highest standard on everything we do, in year 2017, we had received “TAF- Taiwan Accreditation Foundation Certificate” (TAF3414); it enhances our strengths on preventive medicine and anti-cancer study/research, also bring us up to another level to go toward on the botanical new drug research/develop.
Yushen Bio- “Anti-Cancer, We Make it Work!”

關於原料與包裝 /
秉持「身養修息」的理念,提供最專業的ODM及OEM、OBM代工服務,從天然物的研發到各種細胞試驗或動物實驗及臨床試驗等,甚至連困難複雜的健康食品字號申請認證,都有一套完整的服務流程,我們稱為 BTM Biotransformation Module「生物轉換模組」。